204 research outputs found

    Monitoring Cluster on Online Compiler with Ganglia

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    Ganglia is an open source monitoring system for high performance computing (HPC) that collect both a whole cluster and every nodes status and report to the user. We use Ganglia to monitor our spasi.informatika.lipi.go.id (SPASI), a customized-fedora10-based cluster, for our cluster online compiler, CLAW (cluster access through web). Our experience on using Ganglia shows that Ganglia has a capability to view our cluster status and allow us to track them


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    Abstrak : Kemampuan berpikir spasial dapat membantu peserta didik dalam membuat keputusan dari hal yang sederhana sampai dengan hal yang kompleks. Pemilihan model pembelajaran oleh guru berperan penting terhadap peningkatan kemampuan  berpikir spasial peserta didik. Penelitian yang membahas model pembelajaran untuk peningkatan kemampuan berpikir spasial telah banyak dilakukan. Akan tetapi, sintesis penelitian-penelitian tersebut belum banyak dilakukan. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah mensintesis artikel penelitian tentang model pembelajaran untuk diketahui keefektifan model tersebut dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir spasial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan melalui langkah-langkah literature review meta analisis. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 86 artikel, tetapi setelah disesuaikan dengan kriteria inklusi, jumlah artikel yang dijadikan sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 13 artikel. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik statistika deskriptif berupa perhitungan selisih nilai mean post test kelas eksperimen dengan nilai mean post test kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir spasial adalah model pembelajaran berbasis proyek berbantuan Google Earth dengan selisih sebesar 22 (nilai mean post tes kelas eksperimen 83, sedangkan nilai mean post tes kelas kontrol 61).Abstract:  Spatial thinking skills can help students make decisions from simple things to complex things. The choice of learning model by the teacher plays an important role in increasing students' spatial thinking skills. Research that discusses learning models to improve spatial thinking skills has been carried out a lot. However, the synthesis of these studies has not been widely carried out. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to synthesize research articles on learning models to determine the effectiveness of these models in improving spatial thinking skills. This study used a quantitative descriptive method by means of a literature review meta-analysis. The total population was 86 articles, but after adjusting for inclusion criteria, the number of articles used as samples in this study were 13 articles. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical techniques in the form of calculating the difference between the average post-test scores of the experimental class and the average post-test scores of the control class. The results showed that the most effective learning model for improving spatial thinking skills was a project-based learning model assisted by Google Earth with a difference of 22 (the mean post-test for the experimental class was 83, while the mean post-test for the control class was 61)


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    Program KKN-PPL merupakan program yang diprogramkan oleh Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta melalui Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) dan Lembaga Pengembangan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan (LPPMP). Untuk alokasi penempatan, berdasarkan kebijakan yang dirancang bahwa kegiatan PPL dilaksanakan di lembaga sedangkan kegiatan KKN dilaksanakan di lembaga maupun masyarakat. Tujuan kegiatan PPL adalah untuk mengembangkan kompetensi mahasiswa dalam membantu pihak dinas dalam membuat suatu program yang berkaitan dengan 8 bidang garapan Manajemen Pendidikan maupun dalam hal-hal teknis lainnya di lapangan. Berbagai macam program yang dibuat mahasiswa mempunyai tujuan untuk diaplikasikan sebagai salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah pada masing-masing bidang di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Klaten. Adapun program PPL utama yaitu “Optimalisasi Laporan Individu (LI) SMP Berbasis Komputer Menggunakan Aplikasi Padati-web”. Pada dasarnya pelaksanaan program tersebut melalui 4 tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, analisis hasil dan evaluasi. Namun karena ketidaksesuaian program dengan kondisi lapangan yang ada maka program tersebut kurang dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Untuk menunjang keterlakasaan tugas yang ada maka terdapat program PPL penunjang seperti upload data pemesanan buku kurikulum 2013, entry data jumlah PPDB tingkat SMP, pembuatan surat tugas, entry data guru yang belum mengikuti pelatihan kurikulum 2013, entry data SPM SD dan SMP, pengunduhan PPDB online SMK, pencocokan nama sekolah SMP dengan daftar absensi untuk dana transport, akses situs padatiweb, sosialisasi Dapodik SD untuk operator dan kepala sekolah serta merekap presensi sosialisasi Dapodik SD. Adapun pelaksanaan program PPL insidental yakni halah bihalal di kantor bupati, upacara HUT kemerdekaan RI, karnaval 17 agustusan, senam dan makan bersama jajaran dinas, pembuatan presensi sosialisasi Dapodik SD dan SMP, penataan presensi sosialisasi Dapodik SD, dan konsultasi pelaksanaan kerja. Program PPL di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Klaten secara garis besar dapat terlaksana. Beberapa program tambahan/penunjang menyesuaikan kebutuhan di bidang kerja. Setiap program dirancang dan direncanakan setelah berkonsultasi dengan pembimbing lembaga. Pelaksanaan disesuaikan waktu dan kondisi. Evaluasi disampaikan di akhir kegiatan. program PPL di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Klaten

    A Descriptive Study On Students Ability In Writing Narative Text At The Second Year Of SMP N 1 Toroh In 2016/2017 Academic Year

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    The aim of this study is to know the students’ ability in writing narrative text, the content and organization of the narrative text, the students’ vocabulary, grammar, and mechanism in writing narrative text at eight grade of SMP N 1 Toroh in 2016/2017 academic year. This research is a descriptive research. The object of this research is narrative text made by eight grade of SMP N 1 Toroh in2016/2017 academic year. The method of collecting data are writing text and analyzing document. Data of this research are the informant and writing test. The technique for analyzing data is (1) reading the students’ work sheet in the form of narrative text. (2) Analyzing the aspects of narrative text: content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanism. (3) Classifying and scoring the students test of writing narrative paragraph. (4) Drawing conclusion based on the research of the students’ ability in writing narrative text. 16 students belong to good category (the score 75- 90) or 66, 67%. There are 5 students belong to fair category (the score 60-74) or 20, 83%. There are 3 students belong to poor category (the score 1-59) or 12, 5%, and there is no student belongs to excellent category. It means that the students’ ability in writing narrative text at eight grade of SMP N 1 Toroh in 2016/2017 academic year is good. The most problem faces by the students in writing narrative are grammar. It can be seen from the average score of the aspects in narrative text

    Analysis of metacognition skills with students' generalization abilities

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    This research was conducted with the aim of describing metacognitive skills with students' mathematical generalization abilities in problem solving. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive research. This research was conducted on 9th grade students by taking 5 students as research subjects. Data collection techniques used in this research were tests, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of this research indicate that students are able to apply the designs that they will use to solve problems. Even though the evaluation indicators only review the results obtained


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze how the development of research publication trends in mathematical communication skills in mathematics learning for the 2016-2021 period published in Scopus indexed scientific journals, review citation analysis, and examine trend analysis of terms or keywords by authors in journals and journals. The sample uses 142 article titles. Bibliometric analysis methods through quantitative studies are used to collect, process, and analyze data related to mathematical communication skills in mathematics learning. Data retrieval using PoP (Publish or Perish) software. Data analysis is descriptive quantitative. The results showed that the trend of scientific publications regarding the trend of mathematical communication skills increased from 2016-2021. It can be seen from the data that the number of articles published during 2019-2020 was the most researched on mathematical communication skills. The most cited articles related to mathematical communication skills occurred in 2019 with 97 citations. The Pisa question, communication technology, prospective mathematics teacher and self-efficacy are variables that are still rarely studied

    Pengaruh strategi pembelajaran mind mapping terhadap hasil belajar IPS siswa kelas IV SD negeri Dagen 01 Jaten Karanganyar Tahun pelajaran 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh penggunaan Strategi mind mapping terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Dagen 1 Jaten Karanganyar Tahun 2015/2016. Sampel penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas IVB SD Negeri Dagen I Jaten yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Jenis penelitian adalah pre-experimental dengan menggunakan One Group Pretest-postest, dengan variabel strategi pembelajaran mind mapping (variabel bebas) dan hasil belajar (variabel terikat). Metode pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan; tes dan dokumentasi. Uji validitas menggunakan rumus Product Moment, sedangkan uji reliabilitas dengan Alpha Cronbach. Analisa data menggunakan uji t berpasangan untuk α 0,05.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, diperoleh thitung sebesar 8,328 lebih besar dari ttabel (>ttabel 2,045) dan sig. 0,000 (<0,05) lebih kecil dari taraf signifikansi 5%, sehingga dapat diartikan regresi antara variabel terikat hasil belajar (Y) dengan variabel bebas strategi pembelajaran mind mapping (X) berpengaruh signifikan dengan nilai rata-rata dari 65,3 meningkat menjadi 76,7. Sehingga perhitungan tersebut berarti hipotesis kerja (H1) diterima yaitu, “Ada terdapat perbedaan signifikan hasil belajar sebelum dan sesudah (pre test dan post test) antara penggunaan strategi mind mapping (peta pikiran) berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas IV B SD Negeri Dagen 1 Jaten Karanganyar Tahun ajaran 2014/2015.

    Verba Transitif Bahasa Banjar Hulu Subdialek Barabai di Desa Sungai Beringin Kecamatan Tembilahan Hilir Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    Language is a means of communication between people in community groups as well as a means of communication between nations without language other people cannot communicate. This is in accordance with the opinion of Kridalaksana (2009: 24) "Language is a system of sound symbols used by members of a society to work together, interact, and identify themselves". The problems in this research are (1) how is the behavior syntax of transitive verbs in Banjar Hulu Language, Barabai Subdialek in Sungai Beringin Village, Tembilahan District, Indragiri Hilir Regency? (2) How semantic transitive verb behavior in Banjar Hulu Subdialek Barabai in Sungai Beringin Village, Tembilahan District, Indragiri Hilir Regency? The theory used in this study is the theory of Hasan Alwi, et al (2003) and several other supporting theories. The method used is descriptive method. The data collection technique in this research used techniques (1) observation, (2) proficient, (3) recording, and (4) taking notes. The results of this study concluded that (1) the syntactic behavior of transitive verbs contained in the Banjar Hulu language, Barabai sub-dialect in Sungai Beringin Village, Tembilahan District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, there are three: (a) transitive verbs consisting of: 17 data, (b) dwitransitive verbs which consists of: 16 data, (c) semitransitive verbs consisting of: 5 data. (2) there are four semantic transitive verb behavior in the Banjar Hulu language, Barabai sub-dialect in Sungai Beringin Village, Tembilahan District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, there are four: (a) verbs containing the meaning of action consist of: 7 data, (b) verbs containing process meanings consisting of: 3 data, (c) the verb contains the meaning of the command consisting of: 1 data, (d) the verb contains the meaning of the state which consists of: 4 data


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    This study aims to describe the character of students received from the zoning system and to find out the teacher's efforts in dealing with the heterogeneous character of students as the impact of the zoning system at UPT SMPN 5 Gresik and to provide an understanding for the teacher to appropriate the efforts used to deal with the heterogeneous character of students as a impact of the zoning system. The theory used is the theory of good character foarmation by Thomas Lickona. The concept of this theory shows that character is formed into three interrelated parts, namely moral knowledge, moral feelings, and moral behavior. The research method used is a qualitative approach with an exploratory design. Data collection techniques using observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The selection of informants as the source of the research data was selected by using purposive sampling technique. The informants of this study include Pancasila &amp; Citizenship Education Teachers, Counseling Guidance Teachers, Islamic Religious Education Teachers and Deputy Principals for Student Affairs. The results of the research carried out revealed that the character of the zoning system students was considered poor brcause they do not have enough tolerance, discipline, responsible, and the efforts made by the teacher, namely by implementing 5S habits in learning at school so that students were more polite towards teachers and peers. The teacher gives punishment to students with poor character. The teacher will conduct individual counseling and provide group guidance and provide reinforcement through religious activities. Keywords: Teachers, Character, Zonin
